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Italian Pianist Ludovico Einaudi screams for the salvation of the Arctic through the piano keys..

I think my heart shivered as that iceberg fell into the cold water of the Arctic ocean while he was gently with sorrow in his eyes pushing those painful piano keys..

But the problem is the “cold” water of Arctic is not so “cold” anymore. At least as not as it should be.

Greenpeace held a one of a kind concert with pianist Ludovico Einaudi in the middle of the Arctic Ocean in an attempt to raise awareness of the global warming and melting of Arctic ice which was there for thousands of years. Einaudi performed his own composition, Elegy for the Arctic, with his whole being, not just his fingertips. In the video by Greenpeace he is playing his tune on a piano while floating on an improvised platform, slow and steady float making him look like he is out of time and out of place.. Not even connected to the physical world, but only there as a presence through the sound of sorrow for the beauty of this world being torn apart..

video courtesy of Greenpeace

Einaudi said to Greenpeace:

“Being here has been a great experience. I could see the purity and fragility of this area with my own eyes and interpret a song I wrote to be played upon the best stage in the world. It is important that we understand the importance of the Arctic, stop the process of destruction and protect it.”

I love how he said “Best stage in the world”. I wish more people realised how much nature is important and how much it can offer. If Arctic gets destroyed the whole world will suffer from it, and we will all share the pain the Pianist feels in this video..

You can read the full report on the page of Greenpeace who was the creator of the project.

Ludovico Einaudi live concert Arctic Ocean



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